What's New

Updated 2024-08-04 | Date Picker | Display a calendar and prompt the user to select a date


Append Text from One Text File to Another

Append Text from One Text File to Another Using the FileSystemObject

Combine the Workbooks in a Folder

Concatenate the Data in a Range

Copy the Filtered Data after Filtering with the AutoFilter

Count Based on a Single Criteria across Multiple Sheets with a Custom Function

Create Cascading ComboBoxes in a UserForm

Create Workbooks from the Data in a Worksheet

Date Picker

Delete the Filtered Data after Filtering with the AutoFilter

Fill a ListView on a UserForm

Force Users to Enable Macros in a Workbook

List the Files in a Folder and its SubFolders using the DIR Function

List the Files in a Folder and its SubFolders using the FileSystemObject

List the Files in a Folder using the DIR Function

List the Files in a Folder using the FileSystemObject

List the Unique and Concatenated Corresponding Values

Open the Earliest File in a Folder

Open the Latest File in a Folder

Sort a Collection

Sort a Dictionary by Item

Sort a Dictionary by Key

Sum Based on a Single Criteria across Multiple Sheets with a Custom Function